Extraction Post-Op Instructions

Homecare Directions Following Dental Extraction(s):

The main goal following dental extraction(s) is to form and protect a blood clot in the extraction site(s).  The following post-operative instructions will help to allow this to occur:

  • The gauze that is placed over the extraction site will need to be replaced in approximately 30 minutes. To replace the gauze, dampen a piece of the provided gauze, fold, and place over extraction site(s).  Bite down firmly and maintain pressure over extraction site(s).  Change out with a new piece of gauze every 30-45 minutes as needed until bleeding stops.

    Please DO NOT do any of the following:

    • Smoke
    • Spit
    • Drink through a straw for one week
    • Rinse mouth out vigorously
    • Clean teeth adjacent to the extraction site(s)
  • Refrain from participating in any strenuous activities on the day of the extraction(s). This helps to maintain the blood clot(s).
  • Unless otherwise directed, maintain a normal diet if possible while avoiding hot or spicy foods. Try to keep food on the opposite side of the extraction site(s) for the next several days.
  • Starting the following day, rinse mouth out gently with warm saltwater rinses (8 oz. warm water, ½ teaspoon of salt). Rinse 3-4 times daily, preferably after meals and before bed.  Continue for the next several days by opening mouth and letting water fall out, DO NOT spit.
  • Please follow all prescription medicines as directed by your doctor.  DO NOT drive or operate heavy machinery while on pain medications.

*** If you have any questions/concerns, please call the office at (803) 324-2921. Our office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm and Friday 8:00am-1:00pm.  If after hours, the office answering message will instruct you on how to contact the dentist on-call. ***

As one of the premier dental practices in Rock Hill, SC, our dentist and team at Culp Dental also provide 5-star dental care to patients from Fort Mill, York, Chester, Clover, Lake Wylie & Lancaster, SC & the surrounding areas.