Our Dental Professional in Rock Hill Answers: Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

One of the most common issues our dental professional in Rock Hill addresses with patients is tooth sensitivity. If you’ve ever cringed while taking a drink of cold water, then you may suffer from this condition. Understanding what tooth sensitivity is and its causes can go a long way toward treating the issue. Below is helpful information on how to minimize the irritation of tooth sensitivity.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental condition that occurs when the dentin in your teeth becomes exposed. The soft, inner part of your teeth is called dentin and houses many tiny openings that lead to the nerves inside the tooth. Once the dentin is exposed, certain things can trigger the nerves, causing a painful reaction.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is caused over time by the wearing of tooth enamel and receding gums. Aggressive or too frequent brushing can lead to both of these common dental problems. Teeth grinding or a diet high in acidic food can also cause your tooth enamel to wear and become sensitive to cold substances.

Recommended Ways to Treat Tooth Sensitivity from Our Dental Professional in Rock Hill

How Do You Treat Tooth Sensitivity?

There are multiple easy ways you can help yourself with this dental problem at home. Switching to a soft bristle toothbrush and focusing on brushing your teeth gently are great starting points. Also, avoiding foods that are highly acidic, like soda, citrus fruits, and yogurt is a good idea. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, wearing a mouthguard can correct the issue and prevent enamel wear. Although tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem, if the issue persists or worsens, contact our office to schedule a consultation for an exam.